So just got through my first full week of sophmore year in high school. Pretty much lol:
You know what I hate? When people take the risk to steal my food then shove it all in their mouths at once so they can eat fast so they don't get caught. Seriously people? You risk your life stealing my food and you don't even fucking savoir the glorious taste? I'm not even kidding I love my food and will kill you if you take it. Also, my mom will steal a soda from me, take one sip and leave it. So I come home four hours later after school and there's an almost full can of flat soda lying around the house -.- Before any of you "moms" out there criticize and say "she's your mom she can take whatever she wants from you," I earn my soda fair and square from doing the dishes. Every time I do the dishes I gt a can, so it's really frustrating that my mom just took a can.
I'm sorry, it seems like I only have this blog to rage lol. Oops, m'bad. That wasn't what it was originally for, I promise.
To be honest my life isn't all sunshine and daisies right now. Some shit is going on that I'm not really allowed to talk about. I guess that's the worse part though... It's "family affairs" and "nobody else needs to know our business." So I don't really have any friends I can confide in about it. So I go to school everyday acting like it's all fine when I'm not, and, of course, everyone believes me.
I'm trying to make it a goal to stop and ask my friends "how are you?" and/or "how's your day?" just to let them know I care about them and what they're up to. When you start to pay attention to that sort of thing you realize just how uncommon it is among people. Most of my friends just launch into a conversation or story about something that happened to them. I don't think it's because they're bad friends or anything, I think they just forgot to ask how people are doing and don't realize that just because they are literally there doesn't mean they are "there" for you. Is what I'm saying making sense? Probably not... I'm just rambling really....
Well, that escalated quickly...
Until next time!
P.S. I need a more creative sign off name than my real name...
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