Monday, February 24, 2014

Daniel Radcliffe quotes

"Being self-critical is good; being self-hating is destructive. There's a very fine line there somewhere, and I walk it carefully."

"A hero is someone who, in their day to day interactions with the world, despite all the pain, uncertainty and doubt that can plague us, is resiliently and unashamedly themselves. If you can wake up every day and be emotionally open and honest regardless of what you get back from the world then you can be the hero of your own story. Each and every person who can say that despite life’s various buffetings that they are proud to be the person they are is a hero."

"Go boldly and honestly through the world. Learn to love the fact that there is nobody else quite like you." 

"I hope that people will finally come to realize that there is only one 'race' - the human race - and that we are all members of it." -Margaret Atwood

"I’m really happy when I meet a beautiful girl with whom I can have a good conversation. And I can feel attracted to her after a while, but that’s not love! It takes time to develop an intense feeling like love. When you start a relationship with someone, it means you have to work hard. Love is a gift that needs to be looked after and cared for."

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